Garbage Service for Unsheltered Neighbors

Who We Are

We started Clean Camp PDX in July 2021 with three pilot locations. The initial aim was to see if by simply providing a container to deposit garbage in would result in less trash on the sidewalks and streets. To no surprise, our unhoused neighbors not only kept the areas clear, but also significantly decrease the number of rodents.

So, in the fall of 2021 we started expanding Clean Camp to more sites.


We are always looking for sites that could benefit from our program. If you or your organization want to propose a specific location for new Clean Camp PDX garbage service site, please contact us with details.

Our Partners

A BIG contribution to our work is the support we receive from Republic Services of Portland.  Republic was impressed of our initial pilot program leading their corporate office in Phoenix to award  us a grant to expand our program to more camps.


We are successful, in part, because Republic employees in Portland, including their regional managers, dispatchers and truck drivers believe in the contribution we are making to help improve the lives of folks living on Portland streets!


The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods is our fiscal sponsor.


With grant money from state funding through Metro, we are continuing our expansion of garbage collection services.